Sunday, December 22, 2019

An Article On Bullying And School Violence - 853 Words

An article was posted in the San Luis Obispo Tribune on March 22, 2013 where one former Superintendent, Jane, shared her experiences with bullied children. One of her many stories was about a little girl who was picked on vigorously by other kids that she became mentally exhausted. In the article by Bill Morem, â€Å"A young, socially awkward, devoutly religious girl was picked on much like chickens pecking at a weaker member of the flock. Over time, she carefully crafted a plan to plant explosives in flowerpots and other locations around the school before her intentions were discovered. These children just want to feel safe; they re terrified, Jane explained. If feeling safe means doing away with their tormentors, then that s the extremes to which they ll go. Jane s take on bullying is that it has and will continue to lead to school violence conceivably on the scale of the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School that resulted in 13 deaths and 24 students wounded. WHAT IS BULLYING? â€Å"In the United States, in a study of over 15,000 students attending public and private schools, Nansel, Overpeck, Pilla, Ruan, Simons-Morton, and Scheidt (2001) found that 30% of sixth- through tenth-grade students said that they had moderate to frequent involvement in bullying at school with 13% reporting their role as perpetrators and 10.6% as victims.† (Rivers, Ian, Duncan, Neil, Besag, Valerie E.) According to a more recent statistic by stated that verbalShow MoreRelatedThe Increase of School Violence in America Essay1144 Words   |  5 PagesIs school violence increasing or decreasing? There has been a huge debate about is school violence increasing or decreasing? Reasons why school violence is decreasing is that many schools now have rules and policies such as metal detectors and locker checks, these rules and policies help teachers and students realize that for what purpose do these students bring these kinds of items to school. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Relationship between amount of sleep and reaction time Free Essays

In addition, there have been many catastrophic events in the world caused by lack of sleep or fatigue in certain situations. These include the disaster of Coherency, the Challenger explosion In 1986 and the Exxon Valued oil spill, many claim, were caused by lack of sleep and fatigue. The employees at Coherency were overworked, working 13 hours or more. We will write a custom essay sample on The Relationship between amount of sleep and reaction time or any similar topic only for you Order Now The pilots of the Challenger had a significant lack of sleep and the oil spill caused by the workers working over 22 hours per day. Furthermore, these catastrophic events are all that could be affected or prevented with a quick reaction time. Therefore, could the fatigue and lack of sleep have led to slower reaction times causing these events to occur or was it another variable that the fatigue caused? I wonder if there is a relationship between amount of sleep and reaction time. Plan: To find out the relationship between amount of sleep and reaction time, if there is one, I will be using two different type of investigation. Firstly, I will be doing some of the investigation myself by taking a sample from my year group and having them complete a test. In addition to that, I will also be getting results from other studies, Investigations and reports on the same experiment as the results would be more reliable and varied. For my own Investigation, since I am comparing, It Is difficult to have certain independent or dependent variables. However, since I am seeing how amount of sleep affects reaction time, as my independent variable, I will use the amount of sleep measured in hours and I will be using the reaction time measured in seconds. I will obtain the amount of sleep by asking the people within the sample and I will get the reaction time by having the sample take a free online test. For this investigation, I will be using convenience sampling since the investigation has a very small time limit and I will not have any resources available to investigate on a larger sample or to do sample which is outside of this sample. Therefore these results are quite unreliable since It Is only done on a very small group and It Is only convenience sampling so It only takes Into account a very small group of people in a certain location. This Is why I will also be using other Investigations, papers and studies to get more reliable and accurate information. I will have a sample of 15 people from etc. To find more reliable, accurate and more varied data. Once I have collected the results, I will firstly create a table out of the raw information to simply take down the results. Then, I will create a processed data able to make it easier to create graphs. Then I will work out averages for the reaction times and amount of sleep making them into box and whisker plots. Then, I will create a scatter graph to compare both my variables. I believe that the results will be that the amount of sleep has a very large influence over one’s reaction time. This selection was purely reliability and credibility of the source as the 2 most credible and reliable sources were chosen for the data and information. The first source was the paper â€Å"Effect of Total Sleep Deprivation on Reaction Time and Waking EGG Activity in Man† by the American Sleep Disorders Association and Sleep Research Society, written by l. Lorenz, J. Ramose, C. Race, M. A. Guava and M. Coors-Caber. The second paper was by Mitch Leslie for the Stanford report with the name â€Å"Sleep impacts reaction time as much as alcohol. Both of these sources gave information such as averages, graphs and conclusions with some analysis but did not give the raw data. Therefore, some of this processed data could be misleading and could be biased. In addition, the data that these sources give are quite different compared to the data given from my investigations. This would mean that my results are probably unreliable as it was conducted on a very small group, none of the var iables were changed so there was not much variety and the results were mostly inaccurate. In addition, there are some missing values especially for the time some people went to the estimated hours of sleep they had gotten. I will treat this as all the other values although if they seem like outliers on a graph, it would be because they are inaccurate. To analyses, I will group the data and information by source treating them differently. Overall, I believe that I have enough data to analyses and to create a inclusion since I have the data I have collected and the information from the other studies. How to cite The Relationship between amount of sleep and reaction time, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Life of Quaid E Azam free essay sample

The discussion and recommendations about the various diagnostic modalities apply to patients with established HCM and to a variable extent to patients with a high index of suspicion of the disease. Classification of Recommendations The ACCF/AHA classifications of recommendations and levels of evidence are utilized, and described in more detail in Table 1. 3 Applying Classification of Recommendations and LevelRecommendations and Level of Evidence Table 1. Applying Classification of of Evidence Table 1. Applying Classification of Recommendations and Level of Evidence S i z e Class I Benefit gt;gt;gt; Risk f T r e a T m eSni T ee f ffe c T e a T z o Tr Class IIb Class IIa Benefit gt;gt;gt; Risk Benefit Risk Additional studies with broad Additional studies with objectives objectives needed focused needed; additional registryreasonable to perIt Is data would be helpful Class IIa Class I Benefit gt;gt; RiskRisk Benefit gt;gt;gt; Additional studies with Procedure/Treatment focused objectives needed should be performed/ Procedure/Treatment should be performed/ administered It administered Is reasonable to perform procedure/administer treatment n Recommendation favor n Recommendation in that Recommendation that level b procedure or treatment Limited populations is useful/effective evaluated* n Evidence from single Data derived or randomized trialfrom a single randomized trial nonrandomized studies or nonrandomized studies n n Recommendation in that n Recommendation favor n n Recommendation Recommendation’s of procedure or procedure treatment treatment being useful/effective is useful/effective n Some conflicting single n Evidence from n n Some Greater evidence from trial or randomized single randomized trial or nonrandomized studies nonrandomized studies n Recommendation favor n Recommendation in that C ited populations d* sensus opinion ts, case studies, ard of care Recommendation that level C procedure or treatment is Very limited populations useful/effective evaluated* n Only expert opinion, case Only consensus opinion studies, or standard of care of experts, case studies, or standard of care n n n Recommendation Recommendation’s of procedure or procedure is treatment treatment useful/effective being useful/effective n Only expert expert n Only divergingopinion, case studies, or studies, opinion, casestandard of care or standard of care is reasonable should can be useful/effective/beneficial is recommended is probably recommended is indicated oris useful/effective/beneficial indicated n n Only diverging expert