Monday, November 25, 2019

The History of Cyber Crimes essay

The History of Cyber Crimes essay The History of Cyber Crimes essay The History of Cyber Crimes essayThe processes of globalization, including the globalization of information technology, provide unlimited opportunities to influence at individual and society. One of the negative consequences of the development of information technology is the emergence and development of new forms of crime – the crime in the sphere of high technologies, when computers or computer networks serve as the object of criminal attacks, and as well as means or method of committing crimes.The emergence of crime in the sphere of computer information and telecommunications associated with the advent of computer networks and the creation of information enviroment.   As computer technology in various fields of activity become more and more using and increased, sonumber of crimes and results from damage to their commission rise too.Cybercrime cause damage to the world economy amounting to 445 billion dollars a year, according to a new report by the Center for Strategic an d International Studies (CSIS). The authors point out that cybercrime – is a growing industry that harms trade, competitiveness and innovations.According to counting, the conservative counting the damage is estimated at   375 million dollars, and the most daring at 575 million. Cybercrime – in fact, is a tax on innovation, which slows down global development, reducing the level of inventors and investors profit, said Jim Lewis from the Center of Strategic and international Studies. For developed countries, cybercrime has serious consequences for the labor market (Edwards,  2014).The largest losses bear the largest economics in the world, and the leaders among them are the United States, China, Japan and Germany, losing $ 200 million annually. Losses associated with the leakage of personal information, such as the theft of the credit card is 150 million. In the USA, about 40 million people, about 15% of the total population, faced with theft personal information by hackers. In Turkey, this kind of crime affected 54 million people, in Germany 16 million, in China more than 20 million people (Thompson,  2014).The history of cybercrimeAppearing in the mid 60-ies of 20th century, computer networks, since the mid 70s had been growing until the end of the century it was not entangled the half planet   by the web of World Wide Web.Packet communication technology (splitting files into pieces and their delivery to the recipient in different ways) was developed in 1961 by a MITs’ student D. Klyaynrokom. Then George Licklider advanced the concept of Galactic Network, describing it as a network of interconnected computers with which anyone can access data and programs located on any computer (Bresiger,  2013).The prototype of the Internet is the first high-speed continental computer network ARPANet, established in DARPA Army Advanced Research Projects Agency commissioned by the Department of Defenseof USA. The idea of creating such a ne twork was born in 1964 in Larry Roberts and was consistes in creation of decentralized system, consisting of separate independent segments, where there wouldn’t be the main computer, that can be destroyed in the event of nuclear war. Such a network was originally designed as a sustainable communication systems, capable to continue working even after a nuclear attack. In the event of failure of one computer, the transfer was carried out on the bypass channels.Experiments about connecting computers and combining them into a network carried out since 1965. September 2, 1969 two computers were successfully connected to each other, result was a successful exchange of information. On October 20 of that year, a similar experiment was conducted between computers located in different cities. From that moment ARPANet began its work. This network was connected more and more computers military and scientific institutions (Robertson, 2010).After the development of R. Tomlinson in 1971 e-m ail system, began a rapid expansion of the network, connected the growing number of new users. In 1976, R. Metkalif created the first local computer network Intranet (Ethernet). Further growth of users exhausted the possibilities used in ARPANet Protocol NCP, and in January 1, 1983, all computers switched to the protocol TCP / IP. ARPANet network continued to expand, and in 1986 on the basis of its National Science Foundation of the United States created NSFNet, covering about 10,000 computers in the United States and abroad.Minutes of WWW (World Wide Web) was established in early 1991, by the European physics laboratory. In May 17, was launched the first Web-server. Network development has gone exponentially. In the mid 90-ies of 20th century to the Internet was connected more than 13 million users.The rapid development of computer networks and their penetration into various spheres of human activity, as has been said, changed the nature of criminal attacks and gave rise to new for ms of them. So in which areas of activity penetrated the network was depended most pressing threat to the current time. Thus, in the 60s, when computer networks were used mostly in military and scientific institutions, the main danger was considered the loss of sensitive information, as well as unauthorized access to it. In the 70s to the fore came the problem of economic crime in the field of computer technology breaking the bank computer networks, industrial espionage. In the 80s crimes became widespread hacking and illegal distribution of computer programs. With the advent and development in the 90 years of the Internet, a whole range of issues related to criminal encroachments on privacy of personal information appeared, f.e. distribution of child pornography at networks, operation extremist virtual network communities. In addition, in the last few years the new problem bringings the spread of viruses and that more and more concerned about western researchers, the use of the In ternet for terrorist purposes.Computers as a weapon to commit a crime have been used before widespread computer networks. On the first computer crime opinions of researchers are different. Some believe the first officially registered cases of the use of computer technology to commit crimes, when it   marked the advent of high-tech crime, stealing from the bank Minnessoty (USA) committed using a computer in 1966. Others as the first offense of this kind is called perfect with a computer crime in the amount of tax 620 thousand dollars, for which in 1969 Alphonse Confessori was brought before a USA court.The subsequent history of crimes committed using a computer, is noted the following most notable cases:In 1973, the cashier of the New York Citibank transferred into his account 2 million dollars, using the office computer.the end of the 70s – â€Å"robbery† of â€Å"Security Pacific Bank† (10,2 Mill. USD);1984 the message of the first in the world computer viru ses;1985 disabling using the virus of electronic voting systems in the USA Congress;1987-1988 gg. The appearance of the first computer virus in the USSR;1987 the invasion of 17-year-old hacker in the US computer systems. This invasion is still considered the most dangerous because the offender was able to walk to the file management system and missiles the US Air Force Base â€Å"Robbins†. His presence was detected only after he took copies of the software, estimated at 1.2 million. Dollars, including top-secret program of artificial intelligence;1989 American student lock computer 6000 Pentagon; International Congress of the computer pirates in the Netherlands with a demonstration of the possibility of unlimited introduction of computer systems;1990 disabling NASA, work for 24 hours, a group of Australian hackers.1991 theft in Outeconombank a 125.5 thousand dollars;1992 the deliberate disruption of the Ignalina nuclear power plant reactors ACS;1993 Some electronic fr aud in the Central Bank of Russia (in the amount of 68 billion rub.);1995 an attempt to steal a Russian engineer of the City Bank 2.8 million dollars (Bain,  2010).Currently, no one is surprised intrusion into computer systems, computer viruses, fraud committed using Internet technologies. The history of computer crime turns into a story of growth statistics on criminal assault on global information networks.The history of cybercrime is inextricably linked with the history of legislation to combat abuse in the sphere of high technologies. In the future, we will analyze this relationship. As cyber crime is not in place, continuing to evolve, creating new forms of criminal attacks, and, in addition, the problem of cybercrime is relatively recent, the international community is still in search of not only effective criminal law and other methods to combat this problem, but in the process of developing a common policy on this issue.The development of cyberspace and used its technolo gy of global communication occurs quite rapidly, so the problem for lawmakers is that it is necessary to take into account these trends and opportunities to keep up in the new legislative regulation of relations arising in the information space. In addition, it is necessary to take into account factors transborder cyberspace allows you to make illegal under national law actions from the territory of another state, in which there are other legal norms. An important feature of cyberspace is the fact that it is difficult to determine the exact location of the criminals and the commission of one or other unlawful acts.This restriction of the rights is most evident in the failure to adequately respond to the threats posed by virtual teams organizations, individual online communities, political institutions, states as subjects of law in cyberspace.A comprehensive description of this phenomenon is difficult by two reasons. Firstly, there is no currently   generally accepted definition o f cybercrime. Secondly, because of differences in the legal systems of different countries and novelty problem of delinquent behavior, cybercrime as a legal term is not used in all countries of the world (Woodburn,  2011).Types of cybercrimesThe rapid growth of IT-sector has not only positive but also negative side, manifesting itself in an unprecedented expansion of cybercrime market. Computer crime is becoming more sophisticated, global, capturing new market segments and ahead the reaction of lawmakers.Today is quite acute problem of tax-free financial transactions laundering dirty money through bank electronic systems. The list of crimes committed using information theft can be continued. Mention may be made a cyber attacks on military and space computer networks, systems, industrial espionage and the use of compromising in politics. Especially active criminals began to apply a world network possibilities. The feature of the global network is no borders. For organizations such as the arms trade or drug is enough to create the appropriate site and wait for the receipt of proposals. Physical server that is hosting the information will be in any of the countries of the world (Collins,  2013).For criminal purposes worldwide network used of professionals and applying knowledge for the purposes of industrial espionage, terrorism or political goals. They are able to spread their actions financial panic and provoke a military catastrophe, damage important information on the most dangerous objects because the activity and energy complex, transport, banks largely depends on reliable storage, analysis and transmission of information.Cybercrime investigationsThe annual assessment of the state of cybercrime makes worrying laymen and professionals. The laymen is most concerned about a marked reduction in the level of protection of the citizen of the modern information society, and at the same range of sensitive issues is quite wide from a technical vulnerability vu lnerability to PD support systems with electronic cash. The professionals is waved about all aspects of the problem: technical, legal and institutional.Investigate cybercrime is extremely difficult. Every crime is unique, but there are a number of universal steps investigation of a crime in the information field: The first step it is always assessment the situation by law enforcement officers and trying to understand what is technically happened to any legally protected information unauthorized access occurred, what elements of a crime, legally speaking, are contained in known and objective facts. If technically correct and legally correct to gather sufficient information, the next step may be decided to institute criminal proceedings, which will be investigated by other qualified investigators with the support staff operational units and experts in the field of computer and technical research. The court delivered its verdict in accordance with the criminal and criminal procedural law, the following basic steps of the competent authorities:prove that the event itself was a crime, why it happened, define and document the time, place, method and other circumstances of the offense;to prove the guilt of certain persons in the commission of a crime;investigate the circumstances that characterize the identity of the accused;document the harm caused by the crime;identify the circumstances that contributed to the commission of the crime.The purposes of computer and technical expertise are to find digital traces that are related to a person or group of people, to assess compliance of these tracks of a particular situation and identify those that are forensically significant, that can and should form the basis of the investigation. An important issue presentation of research results in such a way that they are understandable to those of a purely legal knowledge are not familiar with the intricacies of IT, judges, prosecutors, lawyers and other participants in the pr oceedings (Anderlini   McGregor,  2014).The most famous cybercrimesOne of the first high-profile hacking attacks committed in 1983, by an American student and one of the most famous in the future hacker Kevin Mitnick. Using one of the university computers, he entered into a global network ARPANet, an Internet precursor, and get into the Pentagon computers. He had access to all the files of the Ministry of Defense. Mitnick was arrested right on campus. He was convicted and served his first real sentence after spending six months in a correctional center for young people.Losing banks of almost $ 25 million dollars made two hackers from Russia. In November 2000, in the US, the FBI caught hackers from Chelyabinsk: 20-year-old Alexey Ivanov and 25-year-old Vasily Gorshkov. Russians managed to hack the computer systems of several companies and steal credit card numbers, in particular, they stole 15.7 thousand card numbers from Western Union. In 2002, Gorshkov was sentenced to three ye ars in prison, and Ivanov was sentenced to four years (Walker-Osborne Price,  2011).$ 12 million tried to kidnap Vladimir Levin. In March 1995, he was arrested in London. The Security Service of the American Citybank accused Levin that in June and October 1994, he hacked into a central server and tried to rob a bank customer accounts. New York court sentenced Levin to 36 months in prison and deported to Russia.Another hacker attack on NASA undertook in 2001-2002 from the UK hacker Gary McKinnon. He managed to get into computers belonging to the Army, NASA, Navy, Department of Defense, Air Force and Pentagon. In total, McKinnon gained unauthorized access to 97 computers, each time he found information about flying saucers. He was arrested in 2002, but for lack of evidence was released.Loud attack carried out in 2002, a hacker Adrian Lamo. He was able to gain access to the internal network of the newspaper New York Times, where he began to modify important files. Lamo changed confi dential databases, one of which contains a list of cooperating with the newspaper experts, he added his own name. In August 2003, Adrian Lamo was arrested, sentenced to two years probation and was appointed to pay Times 65 thousand dollars as compensation (Stevenson,  2013).ConclusionCurrently, computer and telecommunication technologies cover virtually every sector of society. Not foreseeing the opportunities for abuse, it has put these technologies into their service, which gave rise to a new kind of crime computer-related crime.The problem of cybercrime has developed into a global community. In order to develop a scientific approach to solving this problem it is necessary formalization: isolation and identification of the main objects of the fundamental properties of the phenomenon.The results of the analysis of the characteristics of computer crime can be predictive of complication struggle with it because the ways of committing computer crimes each year are becoming more sop histicated and difficult to define the character. To solve this problem scientist need to integrated approach.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Determine whether or not the affects of this new store will be a net Essay

Determine whether or not the affects of this new store will be a net positive for the area, or a net negetive - Essay Example (City of Kyle, 2011) There has been some research and discussion at the city council meeting over the proposed construction of a new Wal Mart Super Center. There are no big box stores in Kyle, therefore the addition of a Wal Mart would employ 200 people; as well as make shopping for both food and necessities much more convenient for the residents. There are several problems with this, however; Wal Mart tends to have a negative affect on wages, the economy, and the environment. Its business practices are questionable, placing employees and the city at risk. Wal Mart is noted for predatory pricing, low wage jobs that offer very limited benefits, and for receiving public subsidies. It destroys the environment and creates more urban sprawl. (Moberg, 2004) (Norman, 1999) Wal-Mart courts those at poverty level declaring itself to be the â€Å"low price leader†. However, the low prices extend across the board to include low wages and low quality products. Wal-Mart is known for market ing practices aimed at minority ethnic groups and low income individuals. Not only are the wages rock bottom, but also the employment practices are questionable. ... Wal-Mart workers are subject to long hours, few breaks, and often precarious working conditions that eventually result in ER visits or hospitalizations. With no health care benefits, the cost of health care rises for any area where there is a Wal-Mart, with the townspeople paying the cost through taxation to cover indigent care. (Chaddha, 2007) Wal-Mart is also known for supporting racist views; Andrew Young, former mayor of Atlanta was chosen as the spokesperson for the Working Families for Wal-Mart and issued some racist comments regarding how smaller independent businesses were Jewish owned and raised the prices to cheat the people while Wal-Mart gave everyone low prices; Wal-Mart eventually dismissed him in order to avoid a major lawsuit. Wal-Mart’s foreign operations exploits workers by forcing them to work long hours with no breaks, failure to provide safety equipment for work, beating uncooperative employees, and forcing them to work in unsafe conditions. It violates ch ild labor laws by working underage teenagers long hours without breaks. It knowingly hires illegal aliens for construction of Wal-Mart facilities across the nation. One way Wal-Mart had forced full-time workers to become part-time thereby losing their limited benefits is to require employees to rotate shift work so that they don’t have a regular schedule in order to attend classes or make leisure plans; this adds tremendously to the work stress. Managers are forced to work overtime with no extra pay; their positions are salaried, whereas the other workers are forced to clock out and continue working until their workload has been accomplished. Wal-Mart employees in dangerous neighborhoods are often locked in at night. (, 2011) Wal-Mart effects the economy by outsourcing

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Introduce your research topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Introduce your research topic - Essay Example The first element is a state of human mind that is beyond that of other animals and this means consideration of happiness must go beyond what animals can feel. A consistent attitude over a long period and that is strong enough to overcome challenges is another element of happiness and this disqualifies short-term pleasures from being categorized as happiness. The long-term attitude must further be of satisfaction with a person’s environment and embedded in the person’s mind. The definition identifies significance of factors that influence a person’s attitude to happiness of the role of mediator factors on effects of the primary factors on a person’s level of happiness. An understanding of the actual definitions of spirituality and religion is therefore important for investigating and explaining possible effects of the two factors on happiness. Spirituality is the aspect of a person’s inner being and how the person relate to his or her environment. It has been associated with such concepts as morality, holiness, and sanctity (Young and Koopsen 9, 10). Religion is, however, the practical manifestation of spirituality and is often visible through such aspects as culture and behavior. It is a social characteristic, unlike spirituality that is an individual trait and may be embedded too deep to be perceived from an outward look (Young and Koopsen 89, 90). The two however defines an individual’s personality, the individual’s interaction with the environment, and are therefore important in a person’s attitude towards contentment with the environment. A person’s moral conscience, an element of spirituality that can be manifested in behavior, can therefore define the individual’s value for other people in an environment and the people’s possessions. An understanding that spirit cont rols forces in an individual’s environment and that it is not an individual’s responsibility to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Social media platforms create a lot of value Essay

Social media platforms create a lot of value - Essay Example The value sharing differs with traditional media in that social media platforms provide a two way communication channel where the marketer and the receiver of the message can interact directly. In case of traditional media such as newspapers, it can be seen that communication is mainly one way which entails that it moves is from the sender to the receiver. There is little opportunity for the receiver of the message to get in touch with the marketer and this is where value can be lost. In traditional media, the marketer is usually in full control of the marketing process where the targeted receiver of the message has little input or cannot influence the information that is disseminated by the marketer. The marketer tailors the message in such a way that the intended meaning is conveyed to the targeted consumer. However, it can be seen that in terms of new social media platforms, value is created through interaction of the marketers and the targeted customers. The marketers are in a position to interact directly with the targeted customers such that they can get feedback and they can freely exchange views about a particular market offering. In other words, the consumers who use social media are not passive consumers of the messages that are disseminated t them by the marketers since they can also respond to them. In as far as social media is concerned, it can also be observed that communication is referred to as â€Å"free† since all the people involved can freely interact and the message can be accessed for free (Brown, 2009). Any person who needs information related to a particular product of market offering is free to access it and is also free to respond the way they like. In case of free marketing caused by the use of new social media mentioned above, different people involved i n the communication process can freely express their ideas and these also help the marketers to design effective programs that can help to influence

Friday, November 15, 2019

Social Work Observation Report

Social Work Observation Report This essay will demonstrate a clear understanding of what the social work role is by reflecting on my shadowing experience and using this experience to provide a view of the differences between social work and social care. On October the 11th I was able to shadow a social worker on the sensory services team in Gloucestershire, whilst shadowing I was able to observe the social worker on two home visits. The first visit required the gathering of information from a carer to fill out a Carers Emergency Scheme plan. The second visit involved the completion of a Carers Assessment. Explain the role of the social worker observed, the difference in the social work role to that of a care role The role of my social worker was to assess the needs of the service users and also the needs of their carers. She was also able to give them some equipment such as a day light lamp to enhance the ability to read, however, I was informed by the social worker that she was in a different position than most social workers and that the ability to provide specialised equipment is an unusual opportunity for social workers. The role of a carer would contrast from this as a carer would have been able to support them with practical help. Skills for Care (2010) stated that Social care work is about helping people with their lives. People who have physical or psychological problems often require practical help coping with the everyday business of life. Social care provides this practical care. (cited in Trevithick, 2012). IFSW (2006:9) depicts that The term social workers refers to those workers trained to asses and respond to people with complex personal and social needs. It is a protected title and can only be used to refer to those who are qualified and registered and hold a social work qualification recognised by the General Social Care Council (GSCC) †¦Social workers carry out a variety of tasks, including casework, acting as an advocate, risk assessment and working as a care manager. As a profession, social work promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being. (cited in Trevithick, 2012). These two definitions show a clear contrast between social care and social work but there is an evident overlap with the two roles, however, the professional accountability and legal requirements of a social worker implies a high importance that these two roles have clear distinctions. Where possible insights gained into service users and carers experience/perceptions of the service provided by the agency At the end of the first visit the lady was unclear on what a she was supposed to do so my social worker sat back down and explained to her that she had nothing to do and that she had nothing to worry about, this comment was repeated by the service user but I believe that this made the service user relax. On my second visit the gentleman that is caring for his wife got his calendar out to fix a date for the social worker to visit again, he told my social worker that he was busy on the day that she wanted to visit but said he would cancel his plans as he would much rather see her, I found this comment heart-warming. On this visit my social worker was able to provide the lady with a day light lamp to aid her sight when reading, I believe this was a good experience for the service user as she seemed very impressed with the lamp and read us her paper without the use of her magnifying glass. The gentleman also comment a few times about my social worker filling in the forms for him and that he would look at the next form but would wait and let her fill it in whilst she read out the questions, I think this showed that he had confidence in the ability of that social worker and that he trusted her. Discussion points raised about the work of the agency, its legislative and policy context When I spoke to the social worker about legislations and policies I was informed that this was a hard question to answer as there are numerous legislations that have to be consider when working for the sensory team, reciting them all would not be possible. I was told that the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 was one that could be remembered and then I was offered a printed copy of their policy that related to assessments. According to Horner (2006) the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 sought to change the balance of care with four key directions which gave the local authorities the responsibility to make plans to meet the needs identified in partnership with user and carers and to assess the needs of those requesting care. Davis (2012) states within the guide to adult assessment in Gloucestershire that people are put at the middle of the decision making with self-directed support, this allows choice and control over services that are received and who provides it. The carers assessment section seems relevant to my shadowing experience as this is what I observed, this section comments on the opportunity for the carer to give their perspective about the service user, approaching the identification and management of risk positively, procedures of safe guarding are explained and followed if this is an issue, establishing if support is available and would be maintained and an encourage discussion for carers to have a Carers Needs Assessment. Outline how the experience links to the Professional Capabilities Framework and Standards of Proficiency The social work reform board developed the professional capabilities framework (PCF) to provide foundations for social work education and to support development after qualification. The PCF sets out the capabilities required, at every stage of career, for social workers in England (The college of social work). Social work knowledge, understanding and abilities are set out within the standards of proficiency, which was developed by the health and care council alongside the professional liaison group. In addition to this the PCF and the standards of proficiency both describe the expectations of social workers when they reach the end of their training and start practising (Health and care professions council). The shadowing experience links to the PCF as it allowed me to gain a better understanding of the social work role it also enhanced my ability to communicate on a professional level with emails and face to face conversations. This experience would also link to the standards of prof iciency due to the knowledge and understanding gained by observing a qualified social worker. Conclusion There are important differences between social work and social care and it is of high importance that these differences are not overlooked. Service users Policies and legislations used within an agency seem complex and numerous however, the policies of a particular area allow these complications to be simplified PCF and standards of proficiency have many immeasurably positive links to the experience and opportunity to shadow a social worker.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Pros and Cons of Differentiated Instruction Essay -- Education Educati

Pros of Differentiated Instruction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Differentiated instruction is a way of thinking about teaching and learning. It means using a variety of instructional strategies that address diverse student learning needs. It places students at the center of teaching and learning and student needs drive instructional planning. Differentiated learning is a way to enhance learning for all students by engaging them in activities that respond to particular learning needs, strengths and preferences (Wikipedia, 2002). Realization that learners vary in their readiness, interests, and learning is crucial to student success. It is very important that students of diverse cultural backgrounds have a variety of instructional strategies to foster education and learning. It is great to have a melting pot effect but at the same time everyone is different and these differences must be addressed. Understanding this point, educators then work towards mastering the same themes and skills in their classroom but utilize different content, strategies, and products to achieve the curricular goals. If everyone is taught at the same level using the same strategies then education becomes robotic and mechanical. When put in practice, the differentiated learning classroom may appear as chaos but in reality it is a workshop like atmosphere. The teacher becomes more of a facilitator as they travel from group to group, participating with and mentoring students through the activities. The goals of differentiated instruction are to develop challenging and engaging tasks for each learner (from low-end learner to high-end learner). The low-end learner or lower functioning learner needs different strategies and modifications then the average or high-end learner. For example, the low-end learner may need to have the content modified so that it is simplified to meet students’ needs at that level. Low-end learners may not be able to attain grade-level appropriate curriculum objectives; however, all learners need the opportunity to be successful at their individual instructional levels. Average learners are typically able to attain grade-level appropriate curriculum objectives, but may need adapta tions in content such as more time to complete tasks and hands on experiences to reach their full potential. High-end learners may be above the grade-level curriculum objectives and need to be provide... things the way they have always been done in a building can be detrimental to creative, innovative new professionals (Holloway, 2000). Having the expectation that all teachers will differentiate will help to dissolve this kind of negative peer pressure. While it is possible for a teacher to successfully implement differentiated instruction in his or her classroom without the above supports, one can see that teachers and students will be more likely to thrive when the above constraints and roadblocks are removed (Scherer, 2000). References Holloway, J. H. (2000). Preparing teachers for differentiated instruction. Educational Leadership, September 2000, pp. 82-83. Scherer, M. (2000, September). Perspectives/ Standardized instruction - effects may vary. Journal of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 58(1), p. 5. Tomlinson, C. A. (1996). Differentiating Instruction for Mixed-ability Classrooms. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia ( is a well organized site for locating information concerning differentiate learning.